For many years Kathryn Tristan lived a life riddled with worry and anxiety. But she found a way to recover permanently by doing things differently and working from the inside out using holistic strategies for the mind, body, and spirit. She has committed herself to sharing her simple but powerful strategies to help others help themselves.
In 2007 she published a booked called Anxiety Rescue that not only presented the story of her remarkable recovery from crippling, lifelong anxiety, but also provided down-to-earth, easy techniques that show how to stop anxiety and regain peace and power. She made frequent media appearances describing these tools, recorded You Tube segments and was featured in several news articles on the subject. Since writing that book, Kathryn learned just how powerful those same strategies and technique are for eliminating chronic worrying. She revised her book to offer great new strategies, including some of the latest science, for overcoming chronic worrying, quickly de-stressing, and learning how to create a happier life.
Kathryn Tristan is a research scientist and an assistant professor of medicine on the faculty of Washington University School of Medicine. She studies the immune system. She has written or co-authored more than 300 articles in leading scientific or lay publications (some penned under the last name of Liszewski). She has also spoken and made presentations at international conferences. Her many articles have appeared in publications as diverse as PARADE Magazine and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. She is a Mom, Grandmother, caretaker of her cute rescue doggie, Carly, and lives in the city called the Gateway to the West, St. Louis, Missouri.